Is pest control safe for my children and pets? This is one of the most common questions we are asked as a pest controller. Understandably people want to know if the chemicals we use in our work, could cause harm. It is a very important question, one which you need reassurance. The most important people in your life, yes, including your furry children, should never come to harm due to pest management and the process which is involved.

So let’s discuss the steps we take for a safe pest control process.

First, let’s look at the chemicals we use. All pesticides which are used in households must be approved by the APVMA (Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority). Of course, some chemicals are more toxic than others, however, we only use approved products with a very low mammalian toxicity.

Further to this, some products have been known to be more toxic towards cats, such as Deltamethrin. So pet safe pest control needs to be considered as well. Only a true professional pest controller will have this kind of knowledge, and ask you questions such as what kind of pets you have, and adjust the kind of treatment for your house accordingly.

We only administer the correct application rate and volume of a product we use. This is very important and is a guideline we never stray from. The more casual pest control operator might be sloppy with their measurements and application. They can over-apply the treatment to avoid warranty call-outs. While it may provide longer-lasting control of pests it is actually very bad for the health of your family and pets.

In Australia, the law states that all pesticides must be applied in accordance with strict product label directions. And this is what we do here at Cannon Pest Management. All of our pesticides have a very low odour, are water-based and biodegradable, giving you, even more, safety and peace of mind. We are also licenced to apply and use all the chemicals required for a full pest management system for your home.

Before applying any pesticides to your home there are a few things we do:

  • Speak to you about your family and your pets. We ask about any health issues, such as asthma or any allergies you are aware of. This helps us with the kind of treatment we apply.
  • We identify any hazards and risks around your home which could influence how we treat your property.
  • We always check the weather conditions to ensure that the protection will take root. We don’t want it blowing away in high winds, or washing away in heavy rainfall.
  • We work out a plan to control and minimise these risks.
  • Based on this we choose the best and most appropriate product for your home and your health concerns.
  • We follow the directions on the labels to a T.
  • All of our staff wear protective clothing. If you see someone in shorts and a t-shirt spraying pesticide, they are not professional and is not even concern in a safe pest control process.

Did you know? The most common risk involved in treating a home is the presence of humans and pets when we apply the treatment? We wear protective gear when treating your home, but I’m sure you and your pets don’t have the same. So as part of our safe pest control process, we ensure there is a set time we will be there for you and we’re on time. And we let you know how long to be away from your property to minimise the risk to you and your loved ones. We don’t want to inconvenience you longer than we have to.

Cannon Pest Management cares about you and your safety, as well as giving you the best and safe pest control management solutions possible. We pride ourselves in being compliant with all the regulations and honest with you in regards to the chemicals we use and how we use them.

If you are concerned with the types of treatments out there we invite you to email us or call 1300 025 948. Pests like termites, rodents, possums and more, can be treated and managed effectively and safely.

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